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Strategic mobilization

Mediation, projet d'entreprise
  • Devising and implementing company projects: identity, design, strategy, methods of execution
  • A “from values to action” program: identifying an organization’s key values and implementing the link and cohesion between the managerial evaluation process, collective ambition, and individual justification.
  • Devising new project management models (empathy, intuition, imagination)
  • Organizing “prototyping” sessions in order to accelerate the market launch of new products and test new concepts...
  • Strategic forecasting workshops (scenario methods)




A good project is woven between the past and the future, confirms a recognizable identity, deploys a winning promise, and sets out a clear and measured action plan, as well as providing the appropriate means.

Illustration: Joost Swarte (detail)


Mediation EnlightenMediation CooperateMediation ConsolidateThe Lab