Works of fiction

Twenty authors who made us dream

Gustave Flaubert, Salammbô



José Luis Borges, Universal history of infamy, history of eternity


Fedor Dostoïevski, The idiot

Victor Segalen, René Leys

Paul Valéry,  The man and the seashell

Italo Calvino, Lessons from America



André Malraux, The temptation of the West

Marguerite Yourcenar, The Voice of things

Montaigne, Travel journal

Julio Cortazar, Marelle


Junichiro Tanizaki, In praise of shade

Philip Roth, American pastoral

James Ellroy, American Tabloid

Robert Musil, The man without qualities

Marguerite Duras, The sailor from Gibraltar


Lou Sin, The true story of Ah Q

Yasunari Kawabata, The master or the Go tournament

Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe

Haruki Murakami, The elephant evaporates

Norman Mailer, An American dream

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